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Credit for this Guide goes to Petra Alberman

To hunt go to CONTRACTS page ... look at the info in the box .. it shows what level and how many mob said target has and also the amount of the bounty .. you can’t attack it manual .. if you decide the target is good for you .. you click REGISTER .. and when the Contract goes live you will hunt kinda auto on Craig’s server.


(so 10 seconds and a blip worth while ya die).... This was always meant to be the case - you just got ahead of me and chainers can’t be stopped as they don’t care if listed... now they might....

CRAIG’S explanation as to how and why this system:

Is don’t fucking hammer my server ya bitches.... and is also a way of fairness.... you can run auto and it will register you... or you can manually register.... that is the only advantage - you can play when not there... SO - you have registered.... the GF shuffles you all up into a line and stands you on a hill where he know the victim will pass by.... you each in turn take 1 shot to try to kill... and then again 1 each etc.... the shuffle is random so where you are in the line is also random - this system may need some tweaks yet - but it is - in principle - very fair and not hammering my server

ALSO: - means manual players are not ruled out or disadvantaged - the ONLY advantage auto gives is to play while not there
- 50% of the cash between the hits and 50% for the golden bullet
- the lister sees who got the kill only - and the victim sees no-one that took ashot - just who paid and that you died

AUTO HUNTING open the auto panel -> click on MORE -> click on CONTRACTS
set up your preferencies like level range / bounty height and click GO
tadaaa .. you are set .. watch the magic and happy hunting :))

CONTRACT COST - (10/06/2018)

Contract cost is now 3 x your income. That’s base.... those below you must now pay base - but trap is reduced.... those above you must pay more and is a level multiplier to a max of 5 times your Contract cost - as is trap for those above you (level adjusted to a max of 5)
- Trap cost is still 50% of your income - NOT 50% of your Contract cost.
- Contracts prices for the lister vary according to level - unlike "other" games - all of that cash gets paid out - so it will vary on a mobbie depending on who pays the Contract.

Official Hunting Guide

If all this isn't enough info, yer probably fucked.

How hunting works:

When you Register for a contract, you are placed into a queue along with everyone else that has decided to go for that particular contract. All those registered are placed in a line and each takes one attempt to get the contract. This order is gone through repeatedly until the Contract is taken.

Accounts that a registered are placed in a random order, so it does not matter at what point you click Register in the time before the Contract goes live. This is a fair system and it does not cause undue and unwanted strain on the servers.

By using this method it also means that manual and automated players are on a level playing field. No single method has an advantage over another. 50% of the contract cash is split between any player that makes a successful attack, with the remaining 50% going to the account that gets the final kill shot.

We do not take a cut of the cash at any point.

The lister only ever sees who got the final shot on their feed. The victim will only see who the contract was placed by and that they have died.

You can register for a maximum of 3 Contract at any single time. If higher Contracts appear you can always De-Rgister and then Register for the higher value Contracts.

Manual Hunting:
To hunt manually click on Contracts (1) in the main navigation bar. This will take you to the Contracts page. Here you can see 2 different options. You can either manually refresh the page by clicking Refresh (2) or as part of the semi-auto features we offer, you can automatically refresh the page by clicking on Auto Refresh (3). Contracts will appear on the screen (4). You then click on Register (5) to be placed into the queue with other players to attempt to get the Contract. For every successful hit you will get a share of 50% of the Contract value. These will show up in Attacks (6) and Cash (7). If you are lucky enough to get the final hit, this will show in Kills (8).

Hunting with Automation:

To hunt with the in-built automation you will need to have a valid Auto Subscription. You can quickly confirm this by looking at the Auto Days counter (1) located in the top right of the game screen. If you do not have a valid Auto Subscription, you will need to purchase credits to do so - for a full explanation please see the Automation Note File.

Once you have a valid Auto Subscription if you click on the A (2) located at the top left of your screen a series of options will appear. You need to click on More (3). This will bring up a the More Panel (4) that displays a variety of options. Now click on Contracts (5). The more panel will disappear and the Contract Auto Panel (6) will be on screen. You then need decide on the setting you wish to use. Min Level and Max Level (7) determine the range and which you wish to attempt contracts from. Min Cash (8) is the minimum value of any contract you wish to go for. Go (9) and Stop (10) should be self explanatory. Results (11) will show you all the results from your hunting session - Not currently visible by players yet (the same applies to manual hunting).