Reach down is normal (200k max hitting down out of Tank) - unless window.
Tank player can only lose normal progresso per death but how deep they can go is unlimited.
FIGHT REACH UP only into Tank is max 500k levels
- OR -
you need 80% of their defence for your attack (then maybe you will win with force).
No level limits on hitting INSIDE the tank (up or down).
A player loses one whole level per death with no limit on how deep they can go.
Blocks, maintenance, etc. still currently used as normal.
City limits DO NOT APPLY - NO LIMITS - in the Tank.
AFTER LEVEL 200K on levelling up if you fill or overfill stamina the extra will be auto banked.
YOU MUST have less than max stamina for this to happen.
If you start with max stamina (currently 10k) then any hit that uses stamina will automatically bring you below max stamina and the rule will apply if you level up.
Designed to assist in where you can "make stamina" when higher than 200k.
OVER 200K only because you can make stamina lower down but previous players have not had the advantage of this down low.