Kill Buddies
- Kill Buddies can be found here: More/Settings
- Set 1 or a comma separated list of those that can heal you to kill you
- If you have set them as a Kill Buddy then the following applies:
- You don't need to run a healer and can be offline even
- They will heal you if you are in hospital or dead and then attack you in an attempt to
kill you./li>
- This can be done repeatedly over and over - as long as they are in your Kill Buddy list
- It is not a guaranteed kill - it is only if the numbers are correct
- This is way faster than running a healer - no waiting for you to heal as well as no
"bumping" into the heal request and getting a "busy"
- It is infinitely faster than running a healer for someone to kill you - becasue its very
clean with no waiting
- If using stalker to kill a small you have to tick the new option on stalker.
- The speed it runs at means they can just set you as Kill Buddy and burn your stamina (fast).
- So unless you have "Use Kill Buddy Mode" ticked on that stalker panel it wont work - even if they have you set.
- Of course they also have to have you set.
- All other means of attack does not apply the same rule - they are slower.
- So if they have you set and you are attacking any other way you will continue to heal and attack them.
- This rule applies ONLY TO STALKER.
- WHY??? because you will do it anyway - this is both faster and cleaner for the server.