Every mobster can make one item of each type every 5 days.
For family members, the Loot Factory is found under your Family tab.
For individual players, without a family, the Loot Factory is on your Profile page.
The loot items must be checked every 48 hours.
If your items are not checked in the 48 hour period, the item(s) go into a holding stage, they are still in the factory, but the factory clock is stalled and the timer does not count down to completion. This extends the length of time needed to complete the item(s). Once the items have been checked, the clock timer restarts and continues the count down to completion.
If you are in a family, you can use Help Family to reset all of your family members check clocks.
You need to do each clock separately - so 4 checks.
Each loot item has its own check clock as they may start at different times.
If you have Auto, it automatically checks your loot factory and resets any checks on running items.