Transferring Ownership of Accounts
- For the purpose of this file “admins” means anybody that owns or helps to run the game - not group admins.
If you sell account(s) or transfer (give) account(s) to someone else then we the admins need to be notified and it confirmed to us by both parties.
- We do not care if you do either of the above but for the following reasons you need to let the game admins know in a proper way (both parties confirm).
- If this has not been done then someone can come to the admins and say that:
- “their accounts have been hacked”
- “they gave permission to others to use and the password has been changed”
- or other variations basically saying their accounts are out of their control.
- The accounts may have been sold or given away... but if we don’t know this and it is not confirmed to us so we are aware then when the “complaint” comes in we have to give the accounts and secure them to the person who originally set them up.
- We can not referee - there is seldom evidence and in any case we are not a courtroom.
- In essence - do as you wish but if you take possession of any accounts, however you acquire them, then get the other party to inform us of the “disposal”.
- This way if they attempt to “claim them back” you are covered.
- AGAIN, if you don’t let us know - we can only give them back to the original owner.