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Property Buying Guide

Credit to M Kevin Martin for this guide, edited by Nate

Click on the PORTFOLIO BUTTON on the button bar.
Make sure to check out the categories on the sub bar that appears.
When you purchase property in Your Portfolio the price rises after 10 units. Try to buy in groups of 100 that way you get them for the lowest price.
Keep an eye on the ROI (Return on Investment). This can be found on the last line of information for each property; the higher, the better.

You can also buy property with PROPERTY TOKENS. (check the box)
PROPERTY TOKENS are awarded daily with regular game play.

With PROPERTY TOKENS the best buy is BEST INCOME not best return !!! With property tokens, there is no return on investment. If I have 500 property tokens, I get 500 'The Crafts Co's' no matter how much the cost is. Cost is irrelevant with tokens.

Always, always, always, always buy 'The Crafts Co' with Property Tokens!!! This statement remains valid until Craig introduces a new property that yields more cash!

AUTO PROPERTY BUYER - saves you the headache of sorting through what properties to buy for the best return on your money by doing it for you.
To access the Auto-Property Buyer make sure you have Auto turned on;
Then select “More” in the upper left hand side of the screen;
A new box will open, select “Property,” this will open up the Auto-Property Buyer. Make your selections and press “Set.” A “Confirm” button will appear with selections above it. Press “Confirm,” if the selections are correct.

In general, for cash, always use the auto property buyer. It will never make a mistake and always give you the best bang for your buck. Never use it for tokens!

You want to buy property so you build your bounty. Now that the game isn't wide open to attacks from everyone with the level limits, there will be multiple playing spaces like mob wars had. With a big bounty, you can seriously deter listings from those in your range, and make yourself prohibitively expensive for a high level to list you, as you can rig higher levels for next to nothing in this game. Also with a big bounty, you can bankrupt a player pretty quickly.