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Funny shit from all over VFB

Explaining European TV If there's no lady bits on tv there's no point in watching tv lol
move to europe lmao

Thinking they don't agree with Jiff Lol at Jeff's post in reply to Shamus on forum "I have won all of mob wars" lolol
Is that like Al Gore saying he invented the internet?

Keepin' it real what slows down my chaining really badly is when its my turn to change the nappy on our youngest. try explaining that to an enemy you are fighting lmao

Think he's off his rocker. Jiff? Tony? Cute?? Naked??? I am also in favour of introducing nudity into the game.
Wouldn't mind a cute naked camper or 2...just saying

One of the tiny killers takes note of the hitlist here's all of steamboat willies kills https://apps.facebook.com/mobwars/profile/?user_id=1087102178002860
Sent message to STEAMB0AT WILLIE: "Can't get any real kills so you kill an untagged mini...how cute."

The helpdesk called... Just had a call from Jacob from Microsoft, apparently something is wrong with my PC?
I said yup, to many fooking campers but he didn't understand?

Some speculative chatter

Poor Jiff, living in his grandmother's basement.

PTT in his natural environment.

Tony showing off his newest gadgets.

He has a point lol... yap, they don't have "a life" they are all machine...

She must have been attending sunday school Love AC/DC
Seen them twice, once I was even sober ;)
not sure what I remember....must not have been sober

Dude, what is wrong with you? no frog legs.... just chicken feet please... lol

There's a difference? just made she crab soup

Put the beer down... basrard o, yhe little feller

More than I really wanted to know i got a unshaved beaver with a fat ass on me LOL
unshaved beaver?
You were attacked by spot_those_beavers.
You lost the fight, taking 642202 damage and losing $65,471.
1 minutes ago
ohhhh...THAT Beaver!
i shaved her, she back for more

Playing Operation Five surgeons are discussing who makes the best patients to operate on.
The first surgeon says, "I like to see accountants on my operating table because when you open them up, everything inside is numbered."
The second responds, "Yeah, but you should try electricians! Everything inside them is color coded."
The third surgeon says, "No, I really think librarians are the best; everything inside them is in alphabetical order."
The fourth surgeon chimes in: "You know, I like construction workers. Those guys always understand when you have a
few parts left over at the end, and when the job takes longer than you said it would."
But the fifth surgeon shut them all up when he observed: "You're all wrong. Peenix players are the easiest to operate on.
There's no guts, no heart, no balls, no brains and no spine, and the head and the ass are interchangeable.

Savage why the entire Meadows fam dead?
mad cow disease

Oh the humanity! ...but instead of just playing without pants I have also removed my shirt. Should see the looks I get around the office....

Someone has been doing a bit of stalking

Is that Deadpoolio?
Yup, that him.
I can tell by the tears in his eyes

Oh Jiff, you wannabe tough guy SUCCESSO!
You dealt the final blow and killed Shell will Beat Cancer!
You punched Shell will Beat Cancer in the face, dealing 157781 damage.
never seen anyone give up with main and add alts so fast

The urban dictionary has it's say Jiff
a woman's pee hole
That woman pees out of her jiff

You've been warned dont know who is on the private isle but get off..thats my pina colada

So noted i better start screaming and yelling so i will be noticed!? lol
qwak qwak qwak qwak qwak!!!!!

Why must the rum always be gone? SUCCESSO!
You dealt the final blow and killed Capin Morgan!
You punched Capin Morgan in the face, dealing 142 damage.
There goes the rum.

Someone told me Jiff sounds exactly like this I get you new laptopamabob!

Can't help but read all his crap on the forum in this voice now. Cracks me up!

Keep it down! shhh, PTiT will hear you!

Gone with the wind As you know, Gandhi was a spiritual man. He also went on many hunger strikes, which left him weak and with bad breath. He usually walked without shoes, leaving his feet quite rough.
Or to put it another way, he was a super calloused fragile mystic vexed by halitosis

Got his superman punch on ECCELLENTE!
You dealt the final blow and killed EP3 LOADED GUN GOD COMPLEX!
You punched EP3 LOADED GUN GOD COMPLEX in the face, dealing 117477 damage.
wooooo look at that punch you healthy man of health lol wtg
I had a running start

Apparently we're a bunch of nudists i always play mws with no undies ill grab my slippers and im good to go

Not sure if more or less is the correct answer here anyone ever heard an actual human do a good imitation of a chicken?
ok I need more drugs...an human doing a good imitation of an actual chicken?

Errr...what? I have an iphone but it´s no smarter than the user lol I don´t do any mobbing online 😛

A little 1.4k sends me "Is that all you got?" SUCCESSO!
Sent message to SheenaGaia: "I'm sorry. How much pain would you like? Find your heal button and push it till you have reached the amount of pain desired."

Think I will pass on that one Jodi The Ripper says: Your family can eat my cats ass!

He done gone and lost it Done.......I must be lonely, I sent a message to Susan Haight, too......OMG

This one just ain't too bright lilmisspottiemouth says: hows it feel to have someone chaining you constantly in the war ..

Sent message to lilmisspottiemouth: "I got 2k kills out of you today. You can chain me till then end of time cupcake."

One face, two face, red face, blue face? Just call me many faces...lol

They have medication for that...

hahaha...that's what PHX tells me.

But, but, but, but... i know...just saying...not touching that with a 100 foot pole...wearing boots and gloves...and a hazmat suit...behind a lead shield...with a rubber on the end of said pole..

sooner cover myself with a thousand paper cuts and go swimming with a hundred piranhas.

Take 1000mg of ibuprofen and call me in the morning

Mob Wars Episode III: The search for Enzo oh goody goody goody, he unblacklisted one of mine...i win the enzo lottery today!

Vulcans explain how it is to the Klingons

Not sure there is more than one kind You punched LionShare in the face, dealing 18 damage.

Fully healed

You added LionShare to the hitlist.

should b fully dead now! lol

We like dead things😘

Funniest shit in a looooong time. All bow your heads in this time of turmoil as we recite the Twunt's Prayer,

Our developer, hallowed be thy code. Your glitches be done, thy new features fun, online as it is in development. Give us this session our daily tasks, and forgive us our chainers, as we also forgive those who timeout against us. Lead us not into LOSE ALLs, and deliver us from page not found.


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